Lucozade Advertising of the Past 40 Years

Lucozade Energy line up

The Beginning – 1972

  1. Who is the drink targeted to?

This original advertisement was targeted to mothers, in particular, as well as people who needed a ‘pick-me-up’. At the time they were the ones who made the purchase decisions for the household, making them the most ideal target for providing the drink for everyone.

  1. What was the purpose of the drink?

At this time, the drink was marketed as a supplement to aid recovery and tiredness and give people energy.

  1. Why is it sold in such a big bottle?

Selling it in such a large bottle means there is plenty to go around the entire family; everyone can enjoy it.

  1. What was the end slogan?

‘Lucozade aids recovery’ and ‘Lucozade is for you too’ – indicating it is a drink which can be beneficial to the whole family. It can help to replenish and make you feel better.

Ten Years Later – 1980’s

  1. Has the target market changed?

The target market in this advertisement was that of males, who were on-the-go and generally busy people with disposable income, as opposed to mothers and families of the previous ad.

  1. What image does Lucozade now want?

This add, unlike the earlier one, depicts an image of being energetic and cool, rather than a recovery drink for the family.

  1. Why has the bottle shrunk?

Being marketed at a younger ‘on-the-go’ generation also meant that Lucozade had to change to packing to fit their profile of being convenient.

  1. Why and how has the end slogan changed?

“The original solution” – this slogan can be said to be used to maintain the market as the people who grew up with the drink as children.

The Next Generation of Advertising

  1. Who is the drink targeted at?

This time around, Lucozade have aimed their advertising at athletes and people who are sporty or aspire to be elite athletes.

  1. What adjective is used to describe the drink?

The adjective used is ‘Resfreshing’

  1. Why is glucose mentioned?

Glucose was the super food of it’s time, it was a scientific term at the time which sounded legitimate but not everyone was sure what it meant, meaning that Lucozade would be able to entice further customers who are wanting to get the benefits of ‘glucose’.

Some 20 Years Ago – 1990’s

  1. Why are they introducing words like ‘Isotonic’?

This helped add to the effect of using the word ‘glucose’, which by this time wasn’t fooling anybody into purchasing as its meaning was now somewhat common knowledge. Isotonic built on this effect by providing another mysterious benefit to drinking Lucozade.

  1. What do you notice about the packaging?

The packaging has changed from being a glass bottle to being a can, this could be due to many factors, including being cheaper to produce, convenient, more relatable to sport (cannot take glass onto a sports field), and they were also having to compete with other brands such as Coca Cola which was using aluminium cans as well.

  1. Why do they use cans?

Glass isn’t appropriate to take into sporting venues or onto a sporting field.

The Most Recent Advertising – 2012

  1. How different was it to the first?

There was a stark contrast in the family friendly, recovery drink to the athlete’s drink for better performance.

  1. Was their campaign a success?

It can be considered that, yes, their campaigns throughout the ages were successful, due to the fact that it is still around and was only re-branded and marketed as recently at 2 years ago.