Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


The concept of needing to fulfil one set of needs before you can be worried about fulfilling the next set of needs has been drilled into me since year 11 Business Management, when my teacher explained the importance of determining the needs of an individual or particular demographic in marketing a product or service. And now, as I attempt to explain this for the fifth time in my life just three years after being taught it for the first time, you could say that I am just about sick of hearing about it. I guess, if I have gotten one thing from learning this over and over, it would have to be a very strong perception about the importance of knowing this for the future of my career.

The concept is relatively basic. Starting from the bottom, you must fulfill the needs of that level before you can successfully fulfill the needs of the next level.


This refers to the needs you have in order to stay alive, so basically, you need food, water, shelter and warmth.


Once you have the needs to sustain life, you can worry about being safe. You need security in where you are and what you’re doing before you can require the next level.


Once you are safe, your needs extend to that of feeling a part of something, that is belonging to a family, a group of friends and having people who love you.


This level explains the need to feel good about yourself, the need to have achievement and recognition for what you do or are doing.


This is the ultimate level of needs, and describes your desire to, once having reached self-esteem, fulfill your own ultimate desires and pursue your inner talent.

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