Three Rather Strange Product Extensions…

A product extension, as defined by the Business Dictionary, is the act of introducing a product with which the company is familiar, but that has features that consumers are not yet aware of. A product extension in the computer software business could be an upgrade or revision, and other possible product extensions are product repositionings and additions to existing products.
In reference to sport, product extensions are those branded products which we, as consumers, purchase in support of our club, team, league or event. It’s fun to dress up and show support for our club, it makes us feel a part of something. These money-making schemes produced by the sporting bodies have possibly, however, gone too far when designing these product extensions… would people really pay money to have these?

Brisbane Lions AFL House Key

brisbane lions house key

If you’re going to pay $7 to help support your team financially I imagine you’d be more inclined to purchase something relatively worthwhile that can actually be used to visually display your support more clearly. Most AFL cubs have these available.

NFL Themed Beauty Products for Women

NFL beauty products

Apparently the only thing making these products individual is the logo on the outside… So would you wear a body lotion just because it has your team’s logo on it, even if it means you smell like every other female fan?

NRL Team Umbrella

NRL umbrella

If your half-the-price, plain black umbrella just isn’t doing the job in terms of both keeping the rain off and actively displaying your support for your team – then go ahead and purchase one of these NRL themed umbrellas!

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